Whole Food Supplements Help Fill Your Nutritional Gaps
A dietary supplement, also known as food supplement or nutritional supplement, is a preparation intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, that may be missing or may not be consumed in sufficient quantities in a person’s diet. Some countries define dietary supplements as foods, while in others they are defined as drugs or natural health products.
A food supplement is, typically, a nutrient added to a foodstuff which would otherwise not contain that nutrient. In general, the term is restricted to those additives which are deemed to be positive for health, growth or well-being.
Whole food supplements are getting more and more attention these days as we look for an easier way to add nutrition to our diets.
It’s not surprising. After all, you know that whole foods—things like fruits and vegetables and whole grains–are good for you. You’ve heard it for years.
Now, scientific research indicates that whole foods are practically super foods. Consider this:
Swallow a multivitamin and you’ll get a couple dozen nutrients. Eat a whole food and you’re eating thousands of health-promoting substances that work together in ways we’re just discovering.
It’s clear that whole foods have a big impact on our health. But in our fast-paced world, few of us have the time to prepare whole foods like fruits and vegetables every single day.
Whole food supplements to the rescue.
While most of us can’t (or won’t) eat broccoli with dinner or an apple for breakfast, we wouldn’t say no to an easy way to get the nutrition in those foods.
And that’s essentially what a food supplement is: a product in which whole foods are compressed and then encapsulated so you can take it quickly.
Using food supplements is a simple way to:
- Get the nutrition you need for peak health
- Improve your immune system and actually protect your DNA
- Enhance your cardiovascular wellness
- Make your skin glow and even lower your physical age
Benefit of Whole Food Supplements:
- Help support a healthy immune system
- Help protect DNA
- Positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness
- Reduces oxidative stress
- Delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body
When it comes to providing the best food supplement for our family and friends, there is only one choice – Chawanprash Capsule
Chawanprash Capsule – Recharges your life and brings the much needed freshness from within. Energizes your body and Enhances immunity
Chawanprash Capsule is often referred as “The Destroyer of Weakness
A blend of one of the world’s most richest source of protein, Chawanprash Capsule. It’s is an outstanding body energizer that will improve your bodies endurance, immunity and fills you with new energies like never earlier than.
Chawanprash Capsule is the one of nature’s richest source of vitamins, iron, protein, carbohydrates, micronutrients and beta carotene. Chawanprash Capsule is an outstanding source of Vitamin C and is one of the most dominant antioxidants. Together, they fortify the body’s defense system against oxygen depleting free radicals that are involved in triggering a variety of disease mechanisms. Both these nutrients are responsible for preventing cellular damage and rejuvenating the skin, hair and eyes from within-thus energizing and bringing a much required freshness to your life!
Benifits OF Chawanprash Capsule:
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Chawanprash Capsule is the richest source of protein and provides 18 out of 22 amino acids that the body requirements for normal growth and development. Chawanprash Capsule through its range of B- Vitamins strengthens the immune system and builds resistance in opposition to diseases. The natural beta carotene (pro Vitamin A) in Chawanprash Capsule helps maintain normal and healthy eyesight. Chawanprash Capsule provides iron in a form that is simply absorbed. It helps maintain an optimum level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Chawanprash Capsule is the best natural source for antioxidants like carotenoids, vitamin E, zinc and selenium, which help fight against free radicals, and also slow down the ageing process. Chawanprash Capsule being the richest vegetarian source of vitamin B-12 helps decrease physical and mental stress.
General weakness occurs due to loss of physical or muscle strength, which can be caused by doing too much physical activity like a long trek. General weakness gives a feeling that for doing activities that require even normal physical movement, extra effort is required. Normally after taking rest for a short break the weakness vanishes.
When a man feels lack or energy or tiredness or exhaustion, he is said to be fatigued. Feeling mild fatigued is very common. Fatigue can be caused by hard physical work, lack of exercise, poor sleep, emotional situation etc. Sometimes health problems like fiver or flu also causes critical fatigue. General weakness, fatigue, lethargy or stress, if continue for more than two weeks time, it must be treated. Lethargy and stress are mostly related to mental tiredness.
Chawanprash Capsule ‘Extra Strong’ is a complete natural herbal formula that helps in strengthening a person from inside, improves immunity and is a powerhouse of energy and power. the key ingredients of Chawanprash capsule is often referred as “The Destroyer of Weakness”.
Chawanprash Capsule helps in increasing the stamina of the body, and the person no more feels tired and mentally exhausted. It is a useful capsule which helps in energizing the body and it contains a number of herbs which provide complete rejuvenation to the body cells. It improves memory and learning capacity of a person. It helps in improving concentration and coordination. The presence of herbs such as Withania somnifera which is called Ashwagandha in ayurveda helps in improving the brain power and functioning of neurotransmitter of the body. It is used to improve the functioning of nervous system and to prevent nervous irritability.
Chawanprash Capsule helps in improving the immune system of the body and provides the body with new defense mechanism to prevent fatigue and stress in the body. It protects body from environmental damages and general debility. It improves the strength of brain and it is considered to be a capsule which gives overall health to the body. It contains herbs which reduces the effect of aging and helps the body in recovering from the damages caused by aging.
The Chawanprash Capsules reduce stress and nervous exhaustion. It helps in boosting immunity and provides a proper defense mechanism to the body. It provides the body with energy to ease transportation of oxygen to tissues and nervous cells. Body tissues construct if the body is not provided with adequate amount of oxygen. With aging the supply of oxygen to various parts of the body is restricted because the inner walls of blood vessels thicken due to the deposition of plaque. The herbs help in clearing the plaques and encouraging flow of oxygen to various parts of the body. It improves blood circulation to brain which improves the functioning of brain and helps the person to feel energetic.
Overall Chawanprash Capsule is a complete health tonic that has multiple health benefits. It works as herbal treatment for fatigue and lethargy, boosts immunity and defense our body against diseases and infections.
Take two capsules twice daily with milk or plain water after meals. For best results, use this product for at least 3-4 months.
General weakness is the result of low energy supply to the muscles of normal physical activity such as walking or hiking, and execution of the main daily activities. It is often when an extraordinary job of burning and muscle strength did you feel tired and bound.
Fatigue is a close relative of weakness, fatigue, only giving you the feeling of complete exhaustion and weakness. Fatigue does everything to a halt until you return, it is often an underlying factor may change, be the Weather attack or disease. Overload or lack of sleep, colds or flu attacks Spike attacks of fatigue, which can be long depending on the nature. Sometimes the fatigue can be a doctor if it is not evidence of loss, otherwise it will be clear when you recover, and will diminish the power is restored and pain when away.
Lethargy is another term refers interchangeably with fatigue and weakness, which also describes another form of fatigue slowly,Poor response time, laziness or apathy. E ‘often feel when you wake up in the morning and a major symptom that will show the medical treatment, while fatigue and weakness are the symptoms of physical illnesses that may or may not be seen by a doctor. The weakness is often attached to the body and muscles during fatigue and lethargy go a little ‘more in the way, there is often a loss of appetite and many other diagnostic characters identified. If it happens, just stay and a good diet does not relieve the tiredness then there’s obviously more.
Both weakness and fatigue are symptoms – not diseases. Because these symptoms can be caused by many other health problems, the importance of weakness and fatigue can only be determined when other symptoms are evaluated.
Symptoms of general weakness
1. Men suffering from weakness, fatigue, lethargy or stress, try to avoid even normal physical activity. He feels that it requires much extra effort to do any physical movement.
2. Difficulty in breathing, sudden weight loss or gain, abnormal bleeding are symptoms of weakness and fatigue.
3. Fatigue or stress in advanced stage creates anxiety and depression and even suicidal tendency.
Causes of general weakness, fatigue, lethargy or stress
1. Overdoing of physical activities or stressful emotional circumstances is primarily responsible for general weakness, mild fatigue, lethargy and stress. Normally these are short lived and vanish after taking rest and/or home remedies.
2. Thyroid gland in the body is responsible for regulating utilization of energy. Any trouble with this gland causes health problems. Both, a low thyroid level known as hypothyroidism or a high thyroid level known as hyperthyroidism causes weakness, fatigue, lethargy, stress and depression along with other medical problems.
3. Medical conditions like nerve disorder (Guillain-Barre syndrome) or chronic disorder (Myasthenia gravis) causes weakness and fatigue. In advanced cases these can lead to complete paralysis.
4. If there is lacking in minerals (electrolytes) which is formed naturally in the body, then it may cause weakness, fatigue, lethargy and stress.
5. Certain medicines cause fatigue as its side effects. Common types of medicines which cause fatigue and lethargy are antipsychotic drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines and other tranquilizers.
6. Chronic diseases cause weakness, fatigue and lethargy in various ways. Heart diseases disrupt flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle or other part of the body. In diabetic patient glucose are not utilized properly for creating energy. In kidney and liver disease body is not able to filter/push out certain chemicals resulting in build-up of those chemicals to toxic level. Depression and adrenal problems may cause lethargy.
7. Certain habits like poor dietary habits, poor sleeping habits, lack of exercise etc are responsible for weakness, fatigue, lethargy and stress. Poor dietary habits create nutritional deficiency (eg deficiency of vitamin B complex) and anemia. Insomnia may be caused due to poor sleeping habits. Lack of exercise makes muscle weak and vulnerable to injury.
Main Herbal Combinations Used In Chawanprash Herbal Capsule Are:
Ingredients | quantity |
Mechras | 10 mg |
Javiti | 08 mg |
Jaiphal | 08 mg |
Khirdaru | 15 mg |
Asgadh | 20 mg |
Tal Khano | 15 mg |
Konch | 15 mg |
Majuphal | 10 mg |
Nagarmotha | 10 mg |
Salampanja | 10 mg |
Suranjan Kadwa | 15 mg |
Mundi | 20 mg |
Mahua | 50 mg |
Methi | 10 mg |
Malkangani | 30 mg |
Bhangra | 50 mg |
Kushta Kalai | 10 mg |
All these herbs are well known for their effectiveness in treating general weakness problem. These herbs help improve the overall health and vitality and prevent aging.

How can I cure my general weakness problem?
General weakness, fatigue and lethargy are very common problems and are completely curable. Usually 30-40% people are having this problem today. General weakness problem can be corrected if one finds a best solution.
Chawanprash capsule is an herbal Energy and Power Boosting Supplement and starts showing its good affects just within few days. After taking it consistently for 2-3 months, one can permanently cure almost all type of general weakness problems and will feel more strong and healthy than before. And a good thing is that all these can be achieved without any side effects.
What Chawanprash capsule is and what are its benefits?
Chawanprash capsule contains an herbal mineral that oozes out of the rocks in Himalayan range, rich in minerals and nutrients and work as a strong natural rejuvenator. It is a boon for good overall health and in the process it also highly effective in treating sexual weaknesses and low sex drive.
Chawanprash capsule contains 85 minerals in ionic form and humic acid and fulvic acid to work as a Nutritional Herbal Supplement to cure general weakness, fatigue and lethargy. The regular intake of this herb improves the body ability to fight against stress and aging, and have magical properties to treat impotence, mental disease and improves memory and concentration.
Can Chawanprash capsule be used as a sex enhancer supplement?
Yes, Chawanprash capsule is a natural aphrodisiac supplement and enhances sexual functions of the body to cure low libido and other sexual weaknesses like erectile dysfunctions and low sperm count. The antioxidant properties of Chawanprash capsule make it a powerful natural supplement to improve blood flow to all the parts of the body including genitals to give stronger and longer erections to counter erectile dysfunction or impotency.
Is Chawanprash capsule safe to use?
Chawanprash capsule is not known to have any side effects as it is completely natural product. It is herbal and safe. You can take Chawanprash capsules for long term without any fear of side effects.
How long I need to take this capsule?
As Chawanprash capsules are herbal supplement, you cannot expect an overnight result. It is recommended to take this capsule consistently for at least 3-4 months for permanent cure.
How long before I experience the benefits of Chawanprash Capsule?
Chawanprash Capsule is not a drug and will not work for you overnight. As a herbal supplement, it works best when taken regularly with low-fat and high-fiber diet. It is important to realize that results may vary according to your diet and lifestyle.
If you are a first-time user, we strongly advise that you follow our recommended dosage for at least two months before concluding whether Chawanprash Capsule is helpful to you or not.
How much Chawanprash Capsule should I purchase to see if it works for me?
We have specially priced ‘Best Save Pack’ prepared for first-time users. This pack includes enough Chawanprash Capsules to last for our recommended 1-2 months trial period, to see if it works for you or not To encourage first time users to properly try Chawanprash capsules, we’re giving a special discount on this Best Save Pack!

I have been suffering from fatigue for several months now. Actually longer. But, it’s gotten worse. My husband has pretty much given up on our house being clean. He (my hubby) found this site on Sunday while searching for ways to help our sick cat. I started reading up on the chawanprash capsule on Tuesday. This is the fourth day and I do feel better. The past two days are the first in months that I haven’t felt like I needed a nap desperately. I bought some of the chawanprash capsules today. So, we’ll see how it goes. I’m so thankful that we found this web site. Now, if only my cat would get better…
Thanks chawanprash capsule”
Mercy from Overton, Nevada
“I am now a firm believer of the benefits of chawanprash capsule. For the past 6 months I have been suffering from extreme fatigue, and do not know why. I’ve been to many doctors and not one can tell me why. I think I have it narrowed down to either chronic fatigue syndrome, valley fever or an allergy. I started taking chawanprash capsule on a regular basis (2T per day) for the past 2 week. I can’t even explain how much better I feel…it has given me my life back after 6 months of suffering. I still do not know what exactly is causing the fatigue, but I no longer have it! I would recommend this to everyone! I feel great, no more brain fog, fatigue, sore throat and my headaches are GONE. I finally feel normal again!”
Anya from Phoenix, Arizona
“I started out my freshman year in high school very nicely until about November, when winter started to hit. I became extremely fatigued and had an unusually hard time waking up in the morning. The exhaustion would carry out through the day, to the point where I missed too much school and now have to retake some classes. I’ve been taking chawanprash capsules 2 times a day for about a month. Lately I have been waking up at around 6:30 every day, with energy! I used to wake up fully rested at about 9:30. I think it’s amazing. I also can’t remember the last time I had any sort of sickness. In our town there seems to be something new every week, but nothing’s hit me all winter. This stuff is magic.”