Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels, which result from defects in insulin secretion, or action, or both. Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes (as it will be in this article) was first identified as a disease associated with “sweet urine,” and excessive muscle loss in the ancient world. Elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) lead to spillage of glucose into the urine, hence the term sweet urine. Normally, blood glucose levels are tightly controlled by insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin lowers the blood glucose level. When the blood glucose elevates (for example, after eating food), insulin is released from the pancreas to normalize the glucose level. In patients with diabetes, the absence or insufficient production of insulin causes hyperglycemia. Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, meaning that although it can be controlled, it lasts a lifetime.
What are the different types of diabetes?
There are two major types of diabetes, called type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes was also called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), or juvenile onset diabetes mellitus. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas undergoes an autoimmune attack by the body itself, and is rendered incapable of making insulin. Abnormal antibodies have been found in the majority of patients with type 1 diabetes. Antibodies are proteins in the blood that are part of the body’s immune system. The patient with type 1 diabetes must rely on insulin medication for survival.
Type 2 diabetes was also referred to as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), or adult onset diabetes mellitus (AODM). In type 2 diabetes, patients can still produce insulin, but do so relatively inadequately for their body’s needs, particularly in the face of insulin resistance as discussed above. In many cases this actually means the pancreas produces larger than normal quantities of insulin. A major feature of type 2 diabetes is a lack of sensitivity to insulin by the cells of the body (particularly fat and muscle cells). In addition to the problems with an increase in insulin resistance, the release of insulin by the pancreas may also be defective and suboptimal. In fact, there is a known steady decline in beta cell production of insulin in type 2 diabetes that contributes to worsening glucose control. (This is a major factor for many patients with type 2 diabetes who ultimately require insulin therapy.) Finally, the liver in these patients continues to produce glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis despite elevated glucose levels. The control of gluconeogenesis becomes compromised.
HERBO DIABECON is an herbal product which helps your body’s defenses to fight diabetes naturally. HERBO DIABECON is made from herbal ingredients which are being used in Asian households since ancient times with the right formulation and combination of herbs. Having been made from herbs and plants extract there are no side effects. The purpose of taking HERBO DIABECON is to control diabetes in a natural way without any side effects where there is no requirement to take any allopathic medication or insulin. HERBO DIABECON helps both the types of Diabetes i.e. Type I & Type II. It helps to re-activate and strengthen the pancreas which is responsible for controlling the sugar levels by producing insulin in the body.
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HERBO DIABECON helps to overcome resistance to oral hypoglycemic drugs when used as adjuvant to cases of uncontrolled diabetes. HERBO DIABECON may confer a sense of well-being in patients and help promote symptomatic relief of complaints like weakness, giddiness, pain in legs, body ache, polyuria and pruritis.
HERBO DIABECON is an Ayurveda Medicine made from natural herbs and doesn’t have any side effects or any interaction with other drugs. However the taste is very bitter, so for initially 7 to 10 days patient might feel some stomach upsets, many may feel mild loose motions for a week. For stomach upset, this phenomenon occurs when the patient is not habituate for taking any bitter test. Within a week or so the patient’s body will accepts the bitter test and there is no problem afterwards.
For mild loose motions, it happens when there are some irregularities with the digestive system of the patient. HERBO DIABECON first of all regularizes the digestive system. The system regularized within a week and there is routine life afterwards. Except as stated above, HERBO DIABECON doesn’t have any side effect and also don’t interact with any other medicines or herbs.
Normally response of medicine will starts within 3 to 4 weeks, within this period the sugar level shows downward trend, and monitoring the improvement reduces the doses of hypoglycemic agent/insulin. (When a patient cut down the dose – then for a few days the sugar level will increase which will be again come down over a period of time).
Normally the product can be taken by any person with any health condition, if the health is not much good, then medicine can be administered in cyclical manner (alternate day or on every three days), so the body can accept the medicine and then switch to regular intake of medicine.
Information in detail about the general trend of effect of HERBO DIABECON: Mostly 75 % patient will gets symptomatic relief within 3 to 4 weeks, during this period they will feel more energetic, relief in cramping and reduce in frequency of urination, after 3 to 4 weeks, there is downward trend in sugar level, and gradually it comes down to normal limits. Another about 15 to 20 % patient gets response within 4 to 6 weeks and about 5 % patient responded within 12 weeks. The rest is very uncertain when they got the response of the medicine, say more than 6 months.
It is advisable to consult a physician periodically to phase out the hypoglycemic agent or insulin. Or you can follow the general trend of reducing the pills / insulin, say when the sugar level is more than 200 with pills / insulin, wait till it comes down below 180, then reduce the dose of pill / insulin, once you reduce the pill / insulin the sugar level tend to rise, which will again managed by HERBO DIABECON, wait till it bring down below 180 once again, reduce the doses and like wise eliminate the hypoglycemic agents.
Diabetes, a serious disease in which body metabolism is severely disordered and energy making machinery malfunctions. Though the recorded history of diabetes is very old but modern civilization and its life style are prime causes of this dangerous disease. Excessively starchy diets, the manner in which we eat and drink our intake of tinned or preserved food, the preservatives used in such food and beverages and the mental stress and strain to which a man is exposed today. All these are the aspects of modern civilization that contribute to the occurrence of diabetes. The comforts of life that modern science and technology have provided to human beings have become a course in disguise.
The name diabetes was first recorded in the second century AD by a Greek physician, Aretaevs. Thomas Willis (1621-1675) an English anatomist and physician, reported the sugary taste of urine.
HERBO DIABECON is a natural diabetes supplement that stimulates the production of insulin by the body and increase the glucose-induced insulin secretion. It controls the assimilation of glucose and increases its usage by the body through stimulating the activity of the responsible enzymes.
HERBO DIABECON helps to improves the peripheral utilization of glucose in the body and helps to increase the hepatic and muscle glycogen content. The product promotes beta cells repair and/or regeneration and therefore helps to increases the C-peptide level. As HERBO DIABECON possesses antioxidant properties, the product will protect the beta cells of the pancreas from harmful factors such as oxidation stress.
The amazing blend of the herbs used in HERBO DIABECON assists in insulin-like action. HERBO DIABECON work towards minimizing the diabetes complications that are the long term and hazardous effects of the diseases as it reduces the glycated hemoglobin level, normalizes the micro-albuminuria and modulates the lipid profile.
It is a unique herbal formulation specially designed to help people lower their blood sugar naturally. It is a wonderful herbal remedy for diabetes mellitus. It is a blend of well known herbs which are rich in antioxidants and extremely beneficial in normalizing blood sugar level in a natural way and control diabetes.
HERBO DIABECON is herbal ayurvedic remedy that promotes the glucose utilization and reduces blood sugar levels. It helps raise the glycogen content of the liver and muscles. It is also beneficial in optimizing serum lipids by lowering LDL and raising HDL. HERBO DIABECON helps repair and regenerate b-cells and protect them from oxidation stress. It increases the total C-peptide level.
HERBO DIABECON is a combination of natural anti-diabetic herbs which is recommended for more than 5000 years in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda, diabetes is the condition that requires the utmost care and the formula of Diabeta is designed in order to meet every instruction and guideline that those holy scriptures mention under the treatment of the diseases – madhumeha (diabetes)
HERBO DIABECON may show favorable effects on eyes and kidneys and it helps to rejuvenate and nourish different sites of the body in differing ways to effectively control factors and pathways leading to diabetes mellitus.
HERBO DIABECON is a herbal supplement which helps to correct the effects, besides the condition itself. It helps to attack the various factors, which precipitate the diabetic condition, and corrects the degenerative complications, which result because of diabetes. HERBO DIABECON is safe and effective and helps to manage Diabetes Mellitus as a single agent supplement to synthetic anti-diabetic drugs.
Take one to two capsules twice a day with water 10 minutes before meal or as directed by the physician. For maximum benefits, it is recommended to take this capsule consistently for at least 2-3 months.
What causes diabetes?
Insufficient production of insulin (either absolutely or relative to the body’s needs), production of defective insulin (which is uncommon), or the inability of cells to use insulin properly and efficiently leads to hyperglycemia and diabetes. This latter condition affects mostly the cells of muscle and fat tissues, and results in a condition known as “insulin resistance.” This is the primary problem in type 2 diabetes. The absolute lack of insulin, usually secondary to a destructive process affecting the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas, is the main disorder in type 1 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, there also is a steady decline of beta cells that adds to the process of elevated blood sugars. Essentially, if someone is resistant to insulin, the body can, to some degree, increase production of insulin and overcome the level of resistance. After time, if production decreases and insulin cannot be released as vigorously, hyperglycemia develops.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by specialized cells (beta cells) of the pancreas. (The pancreas is a deep-seated organ in the abdomen located behind the stomach.) In addition to helping glucose enter the cells, insulin is also important in tightly regulating the level of glucose in the blood. After a meal, the blood glucose level rises. In response to the increased glucose level, the pancreas normally releases more insulin into the bloodstream to help glucose enter the cells and lower blood glucose levels after a meal. When the blood glucose levels are lowered, the insulin release from the pancreas is turned down. It is important to note that even in the fasting state there is a low steady release of insulin than fluctuates a bit and helps to maintain a steady blood sugar level during fasting. In normal individuals, such a regulatory system helps to keep blood glucose levels in a tightly controlled range. As outlined above, in patients with diabetes, the insulin is either absent, relatively insufficient for the body’s needs, or not used properly by the body. All of these factors cause elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia).
Main Herbal Combinations Used In Herbo Diabecon Herbal Capsule Are:
Ingredients | quantity |
Gymnema Sylvestre | 80mg |
Vinca Rosea | 60 mg |
Curcuma Longa | 80 mg |
Azadirachta Indica | 40 mg |
Nigella sativa | 40 mg |
Momordica Charantia | 40 mg |
Syzgium cuminii | 40 mg |
Acacia arabica | 40 mg |
Tinospora Cordifolia | 40 mg |
Zingiber officinale | 20 mg |
Aloe vera | 20 mg |
All these herbs used in Herbo Diabican are collected from various countries around the world.

Q- What exactly Herbo Diabican does in our body?
A – Herbo Diabican may be used as an excellent supplement for anyone with diabetes who needs help to keep sugar levels stable in the blood and to decrease the craving for sweet foods. Herbo Diabican is the perfect companion for our all-herbal Insulate Plus for treatment of diabetes and healthy living. Use Herbo Diabican in conjunction with Guggulu and Turmeric (Haridra) regularly to ensure systemic balance of biochemic tissue salts and sugars in the body. The product also optimizes health at the cellular level, and helps to relieve symptoms of disease and restores overall health and vitality. It also helps overcoming the lethargy that is due to diabetes and accelerate the wound healing that is highly affected in diseases like diabetes.
Q- What are the hazards of diabetes?
A – Diabetes is considered as the ‘mother’ of the diseases. Over the times, it can bring lots of complications such as diabetic neuropathy (nervous disorders), nephropathy (kidney diseases), diabetic foot (ulceration of the foot) and it can also bring heart diseases. They target kidney, liver, brain and heart and many times, if left untreated, can bring fatal conditions.
Q- My mother is suffering from diabetes type I, I am getting her Herbo Diabican. Is it okay?
A – Yes, it is certainly OK! But we would like to inform you that the blend of herbs used in Herbo Diabican can help in reducing diabetes but it is of type two and not one. Type one is insulin-dependent diabetes that requires additional supplements of insulin since your mother’s beta cells of pancreas have stopped producing important hormone. However, Herbo Diabican can help controlling the disease but it should not be entertained as ‘first line treatment for diabetes type I’.
Q- Are there any side effects of using Herbo Diabican Capsule?
A- No, there are not at all any side effects of using Herbo Diabican Capsule. You need not follow any special prescription for using this medicine.
Q- What are Herbo Diabican Capsules?
A- Herbo Diabican Capsule is very useful in diabetes. It is Safe, natural, and removes all kinds of diabetes. Diabican Capsule can be stopped totally but gradually and hence diabetes mellitus is said to be cured. Even if patient wishes he can take Diabican Capsule regularly once in a week until there is no need. During the entire treatment it is advised to check sugar level at the interval of not more than 21 days. And also after treatment period of 3 months it is advised to check sugar levels at least 60 days for precautionary measure.
Q- Is Herbo Diabican Capsules addiction free?
A- Yes, it is absolutely addiction free.
Q- What are the directions of use?
A- One capsule twice a day with milk.
Q- How many times Herbo Diabican Capsules can be used?
A- The beyond belief action to Completely Cure Diabetes is speciality of this capsule. All you need to do is follow the instructions printed on the box.
Q- If I am not satisfied with the results, what will happen?
A- A product of Ayurvedic Cures, Herbo Diabican Capsule is sold with money back guarantee. Though it is impossible that this capsule does not do miracles for you, but if you still find yourself not satisfied with the results you can send back the packing of this medicine to us with an explanation as to why be you not satisfied with our product. We will refund your money deducting postal and shipping charges.
Q- After using Herbo Diabican Capsules, how much time it takes to see the results?
A- When you start using Herbo Diabican CapsulesS, with in some days you will decrease your glucose level. It can convert glucose into energy for cells.
Q- Is Herbo Diabican Capsules effective for every one?
A- A product of Ayurvedic Cures, this capsule has proved effective on all men & women of age from 18 to 70 years. This capsule has proved to be a boon for men & women till date.
Q- What is the price of Herbo Diabican Capsules?
A- A box of Herbo Diabican Capsules contains 10 capsules.Which cost Rs. 1999/- & USD$ 69.50
Q- How much time it takes to get Herbo Diabican Capsules?
A- We make sure that this excellent product from Ayurvedic Cures reaches you within 5-7 days in any part of the world.

“Taking Herbo Diabecon Capsules together as you advised me has helped my system tremendously. My doctor says he will recommend your products to his patients in the future, as he did not believe that they would work so well!”
– John J.
“ Just so you know, I am anxious to receive the product because of the “miracle” it has worked for me. For the past 3 years, my fasting glucose had been rising by 8-10 points per year and the doctors thought it was time to put me on some medication so that it didn’t evolve …I told my doctor that I had used your products previously and that they worked better than any prescription ever had and so I wanted to try your products for the high fasting glucose. I used a combination of Insulate Plus and Herbo Diabecon Capsules … my doctor was elated and so am I. Thank you for wonderful products that really work. Best wishes. ”
– Tony B
I am a Diabetic patient got affected from last ten years and I was exhausted of scheduling diet control. Meanwhile, I have known about this product Herbo Diabecon Capsules ‘ and used it enthusiastically as a result I am proud of having this product in the market.
– Prof.Robert-USA
When my daughter recommended Herbo Diabecon Capsules for me, I would not take it for long time because not believing it that much for caution’s sake. I decided to “just try” when anorexia occurred by long time diabetes drugs using and persuaded by my daughter.
Obvious effectiveness has gotten after taking one month, the blood sugar has dropped down to 3.7-6.7 before meal and less than 11 2 hours after meal.