Common Male Sexual Weaknesses
- Premature ejaculation
- Erectile dysfunction, or unsatisfactory erection (impotence)
- Lack of libido, or lack of sexual desire
- Lack of sexual stamina
PXXL is a natural Aphrodisiac for men which corrects sexually insufficiency, erectile dysfunction , premature ejaculation and enhances libido. The ingredients boost sexual drive and performance and restores health and stamina. PXXL is a herbal product acts as a natural, non-hormonal aphrodisiac for men which has no side-effects. It brings back lost vigor and confidence to love-making and especially foreplay. It corrects erectile dysfunction. It increases blood flow to penis thus improves the quality of erection. It corrects conditions of decreased libido, sexual insufficiency, exhaustion states, drug induced decline in libido and psychogenic impotence (coupled with appropriate counseling).The ingredients of PXXL boost sexual drive and performance and restore health and stamina.
PXXL is a unique formulation which acts as a powerful sex stimulant and improves sexual health and treats impotence. It is a potent aphrodisiac for men which restores sexual vigour, vitality and stamina. It rejuvenates the body and restores youthfulness.
Major Benefits of PXXL Capsule
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The use of natural products provides progressive, long lasting, safer results, and advised to use until the best results achieved.
There are various degrees of sexual weakness, but complete impotence implies a total lack of the power of erection. Premature ejaculation, weak erection, impotence, infertility, erectile dysfunction and nocturnal emission are some of the major types of sexual weakness. |
Natural Treatment and Herbal Remedies for Sexual Weakness and Low Libido
The word libido is used frequently in matters of sexual health products or sexual health problems. Libido, simply put, is nothing but the sexual desire. There are many technical definitions like what we can find in the work of Carl Jung; “A libido is free creative or psychic energy an individual has to put toward personal development or individuation.”
Libido also depends on your mood or mental health. Stress, lifestyle, and diet impact male libido. Loss of libido is becoming one of the major problems in current times. Lack of libido may not be as common for men as for women. About 15% men suffer from loss of libido world over as compared to about 30% women. However, men who suffer from loss of libido are more scared than women. They think that their masculinity is directly proportionate with their sexuality and hence, loss of libido is associated with loss in masculinity.
Loss of libido is a gradual process. Someone may describe this as lack of interest in sex for several months of the past year! Note that frequency of sexual intercourse is not the best tool to measure sexual interest. Yes, you need to evaluate other problems also. For instance, erectile dysfunction may cause loss of libido in men. There are plenty of herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation and its associated anxieties may be contributing to loss of libido. Other factors that impact libido include certain types of medication. Tranquilizers and blood pressure medications also affect sexual desire. Narcotics also interfere with libido in men. Physiological disorders like thyroid disorders, tumors, pituitary gland malfunctioning also impact libido.
PXXL Capsule is herbal supplement specifically prepared for men to enhance power and stamina to improve their performance. Unlike a lot of other drugs, medications and supplements that help curing the problem of sexual weakness, P-XXL Capsule is safe and effective. Most other options of curing this problem also bring with them a lot of side-effects, or if not side-effects then a very low efficiency rate.P-XXL Capsule however is tried and tested, and many people have benefited a lot from its use.
PXXL Capsule is the product of choice for men who want a complete pleasurable experience with their partner. In fact, you will be surprised to know that this herbal capsule helps in regulating the process of ejaculation, so that you never have problems of rapid climax. With P-XXL capsule, the desire and the duration of the lovemaking increases, and you almost feel like you never had a problem of weak erection, low libido or rapid climax. The sensation too simply becomes intense and better.

A weak erection is often a sign of male sexual weakness. A weak erection is not hard enough to provide adequate stimulation to the partner. It occurs when either blood flow to the penile tissue is insufficient or the tissue is not strong enough to hold the blood flow. When it does not get sufficient blood flow, the penis is not able to its full size.
A variety of reasons can constrict the arteries and veins and limit blood flow. Smoking and a high fat diet contribute to this condition. Penile injuries and some types of medication can also cause weak erections. Sometimes, over-masturbation may lead to a weak erection. If this is the case, reduce the frequency of masturbation. Herbal supplements are useful in alleviating weak erections.
PXXL Capsule is an herbal supplement specifically formulated to treat erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low libido. It is the only herbal supplement to cure ED and stop rapid climax completely and permanently. The ingredients of PXXL Capsules are natural compounds which have no side effects and their impact on the affected parts of body is immense.
PXXL Capsule also improves sperm count and testosterone level to keep the attitude upbeat and avoid stress and depression. It provides essential nutrients which reduce anxiety levels and herbs that are helpful in strengthening and toning of muscles. Using PXXL Capsule as herbal remedy and better and communicative relationship with your partner can treat ED and rapid climax completely. Your sincere efforts with the help and support of your partner along with PXXL Capsule are sufficient enough to come out of this annoying condition.
Male impotence is now one of the most prevalent disorders in men all across the world. Modern lifestyle, dietary habits and many other factors contribute to cause male impotence. Impotence is also equated with sterility in men. An impotent person is weak, unable to perform sexually, and cannot sustain sexual performance
PXXL capsule is all natural herbal erection enhancer that has been prepared specifically for the purpose of reducing the instances of premature ejaculation, weak erection and impotence and curing them altogether. It is safe for usage at all times, shows no adverse side effects towards the body or towards general health. It is uniquely formulated natural supplement keeping in mind the needs of men to improve power and stamina and also boost confidence.
PXXL Capsule is the product of choice for men who want a complete pleasurable experience with their partner. In fact, you will be surprised to know that this herbal capsule helps in regulating the process of ejaculation, so that you never have problems of rapid climax. With PXXL capsule, the desire and the duration of the lovemaking increases, and you almost feel like you never had a problem of weak erection, low libido or rapid climax. The sensation too simply becomes intense and better.
Take 1-2 PXXL capsules twice a day with milk or water consistently for at least 2-3 months to eliminate sexual weakness completely and to improve erection quality. For faster and better result, use PXXL capsules along with herbal massage oil. A regular use of PXXL capsule will be highly effective in treating erectile dysfunction and weak erections. The herbal ingredients and aphrodisiacs present in PXXL Capsule not only strengthen male organ but also provide the much needed nourishment to the male reproductive organ to restore the lost power.
Causes of Impotence, Sexual Weakness and Loss of Libido in Men
Common Causes of Male Sexual Weakness
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Poor eating habit
- Lack of exercise
- Living under constant stressful conditions, including anxiety
- Performance anxiety
- Relationship conflict
- Sexual abuse in childhood
- Depression, tension
- Renal, hepatic disease
- Medicinal side effects
- Use of drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and alcohol
PXXL Herbal Product as a consequence supplements without doubt heal each and every one these sexual weaknesses also dysfunctions payable headed for in the least reason. PXXL ended of hardened herbs bestow solutions headed for the entire the harms comparable Loss of Libido, chap Impotence in addition to each and every one additional sexual weaknesses popular men exclusive of several elevation effects. PXXL is a popular Herbal Capsule is used for overcome every part of the viable shortcomings clothed in the corpus after that headed for comprise a outshine sexual link together with your partner.
Main Herbal Combinations Used In PXXL Herbal Capsule Are:
Ingredients | quantity |
Trigonella Foenum Graecum | 37.50 mg |
Foeniculum vulgare | 37.50 mg |
Withania Somnifera | 37.50 mg |
Asparagus racemosus | 37.50 mg |
Asparagus adscendens | 25 mg |
Viola Odorata | 12.50 mg |
Hordeum Vulgars | 25 mg |
Pueraria tuberose | 25 mg |
Nigella Sativa | 12.50 mg |

What are the common causes of erectile dysfunction? Can you please tell me natural erectile dysfunction treatment to cure this problem? I also feel general body weakness and fatigue.
Recent studies show that up to 50% of men suffer from ED at some time during their lives. This problem tends to develop 10-15 years earlier in diabetic men. Smoking cigarette is another common factor that contributes to ED. It aggravates atherosclerosis and thereby increases the risk for weak erection and impotence.
Psychological factors such as depression, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, guilt and fear of sexual failure may be responsible for ED. Patients with arteriosclerosis or essential hypertension increases the risk of developing impotence. Damage to the nerves in the pelvis and spinal cord can cause ED. Habit such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin and alcohol abuse contribute to weak erection. There are some medications that develop ED as a side effect.
Take PXXL capsules for at least 2-3 months consistently to cure ED and general debility. PXXL capsules are specially blended herbal composition fully targeted to cure weak erection, rapid climax and other sexual problem in men. PXXL is a natural aphrodisiac widely used to enhance energy level and staying power.
I am 24 years old. I have been masturbating since 8 years. When I tried to have sex with my girlfriend I cannot sustain erection for enough time. Can masturbation cause impotency? Please tell some herbal supplements, diet or exercise for this problem. Suggest effective natural and curable way.
Erectile dysfunction and rapid ejaculation are most common problems seen in male. These problems can occur due to many reasons such as chronic infections, over masturbation (OM), chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance etc. Other problems that generally come after long term of OM habit are thin and weak semen, penis curvature, pain after sex, nocturnal emissions and physical weakness etc.
Ayurveda has many useful herbs that are highly effective for the permanent cure of these problems. PXXL Capsule is the best herbal erectile dysfunction treatment to overcome the after effects of OM permanently. It helps to achieve rock hard erections and early preparation of male sex organ for repeated episodes. It is helpful for low libido, premature climax, chronic infections of urinary and reproductive tract and low sperm count. It helps to restore confidence in males and increases physical as well as sexual power. So we recommend a regular 2-3 months course of this supplement for satisfactory results. Take two capsules twice daily preferably with milk.
Include fresh fruits, vegetables and milk in your diet. Increase physical activity to improve your blood circulation. Avoid masturbation and drink plenty of water daily.
I have been suffering from premature ejaculation since 2 years. I am 26 at present and I used to masturbate when I was 20 years old. Now I am unable to get erection. Kindly suggest me any herbal supplement to cure this problem. I get nightfall once in a week or twice. Is this natural or not.
Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are common problems and majority of men suffer from this problem at least once in their life. Over masturbation (OM), chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance and chronic infections generally cause these problems. Other problems which may comes after long term of OM habit are penis curvature, thin and weak semen, pain after sex, nocturnal emissions, weakness and fatigue. Take PXXL Capsule to overcome the after effects of OM permanently. PXXL Capsule improves erection quality and cure nightfall and rapid climax. Both these herbal capsules are effective in treating lack of libido, low sperm count and help regain confidence in men and increase physical as well as sexual strength. So we recommend a regular 2-3 months course of these capsules for optimum results.
How can I increase my penis size, stamina and weakness of sperm? Please answer my question. I am very frustrated with my low libido and weak erection problem. I am unable to satisfy my girlfriend from the last two months. Can you tell me any herbal supplement for these problems?
We recommend you to take PXXL Capsule to increases erection strength, libido, duration of sex and attain powerful orgasm. Apply penis enlargement on the shaft of penis regularly twice a day to increase the size and enhance the duration and pleasure of lovemaking. You should use PXXL Capsule to increase the sperm count and quantity. It a good natural aphrodisiac that helps in strengthening the male hormones. So we recommend a regular 2-3 months course of all these herbal and safe products to get satisfactory results.
I am 29 year old male from NSW, Australia. How can I increase my libido and stamina permanently? I want to extend the duration of my lovemaking. I have been suffering from the problem of weak erection. Kindly suggest me some products which don’t have any side effects. Please reply.
Premature ejaculation (PE) or inability to perform in bed for long durations is a common problem in males. Old age, chronic disease, over masturbation, passage of semen in urine, side effect of medicines etc are some main reasons for this problem. PE can be treated with herbal supplements. Ayurveda has safe, non habit forming and permanent solution for this problem. PXXL Capsule has very good results in the treatment for ED, premature ejaculation and semen weakness. These herbal capsules cure physical, sexual and mental weakness with regular use. These help immensely to regain confidence in males and increases sexual power.
PXXL Capsule ‘herbal erectile dysfunction treatment’ is a complete natural aphrodisiac and it is very effective in treating male low libido. PXXL Capsules are specially targeted herbal supplement for rapid climax and semen weakness. Both these supplements are non habit forming and are powerful sex booster. Regular use of these capsules for at least 2-3 month increase libido, maintain rock hard erections, increase duration of sex and give powerful orgasm.

About four months ago I bought a 3-month supply of PXXL Power Enhancer Capsule because I felt that my partner was not happy with my performance. When I read on your website that PXXL Enhancer capsules expand, lengthen and enlarge your penis I thought it was great. But these Capsule do a lot more than that. I can last for hours now, actually giving my wife multiple orgasms and it feels so good. My sex life has never been better and I’m going to keep buying PXXL Enhancer capsules because it really does work.
Malik ,Malesiya
I would like to use this opportunity to express my gratitude for the fast delivery of my order and to let you know that the product is working even better than I expected. I have been taking PXXL capsule for the past 4 weeks and I already feel a tremendous impact on my system. Up till now, I had been taking 50 capsule, but once of PXXL is in your system, it is just as effective — minus all the worries about side effects. It is a lot more convenient. My sex life has never been the same (you should talk to my wife — she said she will email you too). I also have a LOT more energy throughout the day, I don’t stress over little annoying things every day and overall I am just so much happier. Those lucky Peruvians have been taking this for centuries, how come they didn’t let us know earlier! So once more, thank you sincerely for making this product available.
Mukul Agrawal, India
The recent article in a news paper provoked my interest in this product. I was amazed at how much research has been done that supports of PXXL amazing benefits. So of course, I made a sample purchase from your site, as well as from a couple of others. I tried of PXXL capsule for 10 days , then different ones after that. Nothing worked nearly as well as yours! I am sorry for even doubting you at first. Congrats on the best Harder Erections Capsules
Ashwin Johnston, Los Angeles, CA
I have been using of PXXL capsule for about two months now, and I have already noticed an increase in size and energy plus harder and more frequent erections during the day and night. Not to mention my concentration level and overall mood. I used to think I was a manic depressant; I even tried exercises as recommended by doctors, but it didn’t work. My fiancee did not turn me on all the time either. Now it has all changed, thanks to of PXXL capsule. She does not complain anymore. In fact, she is taking it now as well.
Sincerely yours, George W Argentina
A couple of years back was when I first tried of PXXL I had just gotten married. I tried a different version of of PXXL capsule than yours, don’t really remember the name, but I do remember I didn’t notice any difference at all. Then, just few weeks ago, a friend who was using of PXXL capsule suggested give it a try. Due to my past experiences, I was not expecting much. WOW was all I could say! I felt so positive and alive, and this feeling extended to the sexual, social and physical departments. I wonder if it’s only of PXXL capsule you have in there – but now i know it’s all the other ingredient plus the of PXXL capsule