Author: admin

Without proper communication and understanding, impotence can be a source of great misunderstanding and embarrassment. But thankfully those days when the word was muttered in hushed tones are gone. Impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED), as it is also known, is no longer a taboo subject. Causes of ED. Why does it happen? It’s all about blood flow and the narrowing of blood vessels to the penis, so high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes are pre-cursers. It can also be due to injury, either directly to the penis, or as a result of head on spinal injury. ED can strike…

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Premature ejaculation is a common defect in men to hold the semen even for the short time after one gets sexual excitement. This means one ejaculates the sperms shortly after getting to the sexual excitement. This problem too affects the other partner as satisfaction is only the thing that everyone desire. So this results in the unsatisfying sex life. The ejaculation process is controlled by the mind and the body. The main factors for sex are Harsha (pleasure), Dhairya (control over anxiety and fear), Cyavana (optimal timed ejaculation) and Preeti (satisfaction). And also the movement is represented by Vata. So…

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A healthy sex life is a natural way to beat stress and connect with your partner on a deeper level. Ayurvedic texts dating back thousands of years include many herbal aphrodisiacs, some of which you can find right in your pantry. Here is a list of seven Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs that can boost your libido and your sexual potency. Garlic Yes, an unlikely ingredient to feature in a list of natural aphrodisiacs. While most of us may not be fans of garlic on our breath, this food is known to contain a substance called allicin. What allicin does is that it…

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Reasons for Low Libido in Men Stress: Chronic stress for a prolonged period of time can lead to loss of libido and sexual drive in men. Lack of Sleep: It is important get your 8 hours of sleep for enhancing sexual drive. Depression: Depression and anxiety can later the body’s biochemistry and reduce sex drive in men. Hormonal Imbalance: Low testosterone level in the body caused by injury or inflammation often leads to reduced libido and sex drive. Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction is the inability to hold an erection and this problem can lead to lack of desire and sex…

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Many people (specially men) search for new ways to enhance their sexual performance and keep their partner happy. There are plenty of male enhancement pills on the stores and pharmacies, but it’s possible to easily find simple ways to improve sexual performance with natural supplements. There are many wonder drugs on the market that can successfully help some men with erectile dysfunction and improve sexual performance. For some men with health issues that medication is not advised.  Other men would simply prefer a natural alternative. So can natural supplements really improve erectile dysfunction? For centuries people have looked to herbs to help…

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We’ve compiled a list of shocking sex facts that are guaranteed to surprise you. If these are completely new to you, then you’re in for a treat. If you’ve heard them before, don’t spoil the surprise for your friends! #1 Cycling Can Affect Fertility The body carefully regulates the temperature levels of the testicles by relaxing or raising the scrotum. During periods of cold weather, it’s not uncommon for the testicles to recede into the body while warmer temperatures often produce the opposite reaction. Due to the “cramped” quarters caused by the persistent pressure of the bicycle seat on the…

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Sex is an intimate mingling of two bodies and souls, which both men and women enjoy. While it can be enthralling and exciting for many, it turns out to be depressing for some couples, too. There have been situations when men have gone crazy with their mate’s remarks of not penetrating deep enough. Even after repeated trials of bringing in satisfaction, the nervousness men feel can prevail. 1. The Butterfly Position: Works Best on Both Bed and Table This position makes the woman relax and enjoy sex, while the man is in charge. Here is how butterfly position is done:…

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Did you know that the first-thing-in-the-morning erection is a sign of a man’s good sexual health? Erections are hence very important for the health of men and their sexual performance. There are male enhancement products that are made out of natural ingredients which are recommended by acclaimed review websites. Natural male enhancement products not only help men to overcome erectile dysfunction problems but also help improve their overall health condition. There are certain myths about male enhancement drugs which need to be busted, before you opt for these supplements. Whether male enhancement supplements really work has always been a matter…

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Low libido in men is a problem that’s not given the attention it needs. It is acceptable if you are not in the mood to have sex all the time. Sex drive has its crests and troughs. That said, if your libido is constantly at low levels, then the situation escalates into a chronic condition that requires treatment. The positive aspect is that the situation is not totally out of your control. There is a lot that you can do to restore your sexual vigor. Let us look at the ways in which you can recharge your sex drive and…

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The proverb, ‘the bigger, the better’ surely wins over ‘size doesn’t matter’ when it comes down to your penis. Men want to satisfy their lady love and give ultimate pleasure in the act. A longer, bigger and stronger penis always gives the desired satisfaction. Women find it extremely sensual and irresistible, and it is found that they get more attracted to men with a ‘bigger’ instrument. There are different ways to enlarge your penis. Though, marketers claim that many of the methods are 100% safe, but it is important to choose the right one, considering all side effects. Before you…

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