Premature ejaculation is a general problem with males that has gained much notice and significance in the current times. The markets are swamped with different capsules and energy booster medications that claim to improve the male stamina and staying power. It is a main issue of both self esteem and self confidence that has alarmingly become a common problem of management over the past several decades. The pharmaceutical organizations are attempting to cash on the sensitive issue at a big level. They are targeting the males of the age group 25-40 years who normally face this problem. HOW CAN UNANI…
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What you didn’t learn in high school sex education: the surprising, science-backed proof about aphrodisiac foods, men’s and women’s desire, and more. Myth: Sex burns major calories Truth: Experts evaluate thirty minutes of sex burns 85 to 150 calories. Theoretically, you need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose a pound of body weight, so if you were using up 100 calories whenever you had sex, you could drop one pound if you had sex 35 times. The trouble is this: Many people are not having sex for thirty minutes. In its place, the average interval of sex is closer…
Menstrual cycle irregularities are primarily responsible for bringing heavily smooth periods. These irregularities take place because of hormonal imbalance and anaemia because of deficiency of iron. Women commonly bear with heavily flowing period’s problem which change arrival date of menses and cause insufficient periods too. Jumbled menstrual cycle is not only physically debilitating but also harm’s female mental composure. There are several causes which can upset woman’s body hormonal balance. Herbal medicines for serious menstrual bleeding are good remedies to defeat the problem. Herbal medicines for heavy menstrual bleeding reinstate hormonal balance and get better female reproductive system functions to…
Almonds: These nuts comprise high levels of fatty acids which are essential for the production of hormones to keep up a healthy sex joyride. Studies found that oil present in almonds has the mild perfume that arouses women. Almond is ideal natural viagra food for women. They consists amino acids called arginine, which helps in relaxing blood vessels and increase circulation that helps in improving sexual efficiency in men. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an Indian herb. This was used from many ages. Prolonged stress causes lack of sex drive. It has the big property that lessens stress. In studies, it was…
In addition to foods for testosterone, there are also various herbs utilized as natural treatment for testosterone. These herbs also contain aphrodisiac properties for increasing sexual performance. Tongkat Ali: Scientifically called Eurycoma longifolia, is a flowering plant utilized as natural treatment for low testosterone in men. It assists treat erectile dysfunction, and increases sexual desire, low libido and performance. The majority men take Tongkat Ali as it is a symbol of man’s ego and strength. Additionally, it boosts male vitality and improves sexual prowess. Horny Goat Weed: The botanical name is Epimedium, is also a flowering plant consisting aphrodisiac properties…
We get at least three to four queries a day on our site about ‘how to increase sexual stamina’. Well, we do understand why. Sex just isn’t about getting pleasure. It is more about giving enjoyment to your partner. In order to do that, you need to keep up your erection for longer. Here are a few tips to do that: Working out groinmuscles— If you often find yourself struggling around with muscle pain the morning after a steamy night of passion, it might be of use to frequently stretch your groin, keeping it primed and ready for even the most…
Secondary infertility is generally defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after a year of unprotected and appropriately timed intercourse when one or both partners have previously conceived children. Both male and female factors may be involved and in about one-quarter of the cases the cause is mulch-factorial. The most prevalent cause of secondary infertility may be age. Much has been written about aging and women’s fertility. Women are born with all of the oocytes they will ever have and female fertility peaks in the mid-twenties to mid-thirties. Menopause, of course, occurs when there are no more oocytes.…
Infertility may be said to be unexplained in cases where the women is ovulating regularly, has open fallopian tubes with no adhesion or endometriosis. The man has normal sperm production and the post coital test is positive. Intercourse must take place frequently, particularly around the time of ovulation, and the couple must have been trying to conceive for at least one year. About 10% of all infertile couples have unexplained infertility. Unexplained infertility simply means the doctors do not know why the couple is infertile it is a confession of medical ignorance. Some possible causes of unexplained infertility are mentioned…
The sexual and reproductive organs on the outside of a woman’s body are called the external genitals. There are three openings in the genital area. In front is the urethra, from where urine comes out; below the urethra is the opening to the vagina which is called the introit-us; and the third is the anus from where a bowel movement leaves the body. The outer genital area is called the vulva. The vulva includes the clitoris, the labia majors and the labia minors. The most sensitive part of the genital area is the clitoris. This is a pea-shaped organ which…
Endometriosis is a common disorder that affects many women of reproductive age. It occurs when the normal endometrial tissue- the lining of the uterus, grows outside the uterus. This misplaced tissue may implant itself & grows anywhere within the abdominal cavity. Endometrial tissue, whether it is inside or outside the uterus, responds to the estrogen & progesterone produced by the ovaries during the reproductive cycle.Under the influence of the hormones, the misplaced tissue grows and swells and when hormonal levels drop the tissue may bleed. Unlike the normally situated endometrium, which is shed from the body as the menstrual discharge,…