If you are struggling with erectile dysfunction, loss of libido or a related problem, you are not alone. Millions of men suffer from this problem and solutions are available. This website is a resource that was developed to help men learn about the causes and treatment of sexual health problems, such as erectile dysfunction and small penis size. You can read the top male enhancer pills to find the best male enhancement supplement for you.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
The causes of erectile dysfunction and other sexual health problems can vary widely, ranging from physical and medical to psychological and emotional causes. Identifying the cause of the problem can help you find the best treatment solution in your situation.
In some cases, the cause of ED is physical. Several health conditions can contribute to erectile dysfunction and cause lack of libido, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and prostate cancer. Other physical causes may include injury to the penis, bladder, pelvis area, or prostate.
Erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual desire can be a side effect of certain medications. If you find that you lose interest in sexual activity or experience ED shortly after beginning to take a prescription medication, be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out if the problem is a medication side effect.
Options for Treating Erectile Dysfunction ( ED )
Prescription medications all have side effects and may not be used by men with some health conditions or taking certain medications. Other prescription options include testosterone replacement therapy and injectable medications that are injected directly into the penis.
Surgical options are available for treating ED. These include penile implants and blood vessel surgery. Surgery is an extreme measure and these surgical treatments carry risks. In addition, surgery is expensive and the procedures are usually not covered by insurance. For these reasons, many men seek other options before resorting to surgical solutions.
Treating underlying causes of ED is an important step. This could be treatment for an underlying medical condition, such as heart disease or diabetes or treatment for psychological and emotional causes, such as anxiety and depression with therapy or medication or both. When the problem is related to lifestyle, you can make lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking or drinking, getting more exercise and making healthy changes to your diet.
Over the counter supplements are successfully used by many men to improve penis size and enhance performance. The best male enlargement products contain natural ingredients. There is no need to visit the doctor for a prescription, although it is a good idea to see your doctor to make sure there is no undiagnosed health condition causing the problem.